Quote of the Day

Tuesday, December 9, 2014


1. Throughout the poem the author talks a lot about time. At the beginning he is young and feels like he has a lot of it and that when he wants to do something he can wait. Then at the end of the poem he is older and feels like he does not have any time to do anything anymore. He wishes that he would have acted on his thoughts when there was time when he was younger. I think that the author's point is that time goes by a lot faster than most of us anticipate and we should make the most of the time that we are given on this earth.

2. Elliot uses the allusion to show that J. Alfred Prufrock was not like Hamlet at all. Unlike Hamlet, J. Alfred Prufrock was scared to act or do anything about his problems that he was having. Hamlet was the opposite and was trying to solve his problems by acting on them and trying to kill the king to get revenge.

3. "To have squeezed the universe into a ball" This part of the poem makes me picture someone taking the universe in their hand and squeezing it so that it becomes smaller and more manageable. This image shows the reader that J. Alfred Prufrock wishes the world were smaller so that he could manage his problems and do something about them and this is the underlying theme of the entire poem. He wants to be able to face his problems that he never had the courage to face.

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